My name is Noah Thomas. I’m not usually one for blogging; I’m a jack of all trades, and the dedication required to run and keep a blog fresh has always been a daunting task for me. Nonetheless, my pastor has recently commissioned me to be God’s walking, talking, breathing journal. She told me to write absolutely everything I think down, and so I have. In my journal I keep my thoughts, my feelings, my songs, my visions, my dreams, my hopes, my dreams, my promises, and my whole self. Select portions of my journal I will copy into this blog, and share with the world… Or atleast however many few poor souls happen to stumble across my hopelessly romantic teenage musings.

I can’t promise that my blog will be perfect, nor even exceptional. I’ll post whatever I want, whenever I want… As long as I’m courageous enough to not be afraid that the people I’m posting about will end up reading it. Enjoy!

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